Larry Chernicoff is making quiet history with his integration of chamber music and jazz improvisation.
National Public Radio
Larry Chernicoff is making quiet history with his integration of chamber music and jazz improvisation.
National Public Radio
Warm and serene, October combines the acoustic expressions of jazz and classical music with elements of "world music". Diverse and keen on melody, it rises into a shimmering chain of ideas and sounds, and snaps and taps itself into an enjoyable swing. Chernicoff's distinctive musical approach blossoms and sustains itself with charm and grace … a sophisticated, subtle offering.
All About Jazz

There are both ancient and modern qualities to Larry Chernicoff's music. There are few easy niches in which to put this music. Some points of reference might be the Paul Winter/Oregon axis, Don Cherry or maybe Philip Glass. Chernicoff scores highest as a composer of highly original music that has an elusive 'I've heard this before' quality. This is fascinating music.
Victory Review, Seattle

It has much in common with classical chamber music, but there are so many elements of improvisation and world rhythms and tonal colors - you just can't compare it to anything else you're listening to these days. It is beautiful and complex.
The Creative Music Newsletter

The elusive Larry Chernicoff Band - which in some years performs only once or twice ... spun a magical web of complex yet accessible improvisations, ultimately garnering first place in this critic's list of the best concerts of the year.
The Rogovoy Report